Dance Beat Magazine - March 2025

LaBlast: why did I start a dance fitness program?

By Louis Van Amstel

During all my years as a competitive ballroom dancer, my dream was to become a World Champion by emphasizing the ART of dance; winning by focusing on the dance rather than just the competition.  I believe that dance speaks for itself and can be such a powerful medium.

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Florida Superstars Open Pro-Am Scholarships

Report by Victoria Regan

Photos by DanceSport Photography 


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Great Night at the Ball!

It was a great night at the San Francisco Ball! The four featured competitions were totally worth the fly in!

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USA Dance Nationals Continues!

The USA Dance Nationals progressed into its 2nd day yesterday. The daytime sessions were filled with adult and junior medalist divisions and in the evening we progressed to the championship levels.

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A New Generation in New York: NYDF

Report by Keith Todd

Photography by Ryan Kenner

Over the last few years we have seen many competitions transfer to a new generation of organizers and on this front none of these transfers have been more anticipated than the New York Dance Festival’s. Edward Simon has been the organizer of this competition for many years, but last year he transferred ownership to one of the USA’s most iconic competitive couples of recent years, Eugene Katsevman & Maria Manusova.

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